Today, after a long wait I come back to you in the second part of display and control your Android device on linux, which I promised you to touch on it the most important features of the screen copies application, So connect your phone by following the steps that we presented in the first part; and let's go.
Scrcpy features
Scrcpy features
1. Reduce size: It is an important feature that allows to increase performance
scrcpy -m 1024
2. Change bit-rate : It really a usefull feature specialy when you mirror you android device wirelessly; The default bit-rate is 8 Mbps.
scrcpy -b 2M
3. Crop: You can use this feature to mirror only part of the screen.
scrcpy -c 576:720:0:0
4. Record screen: This is my favorite feature which I will use to make some videos about Android in the coming weeks, allah willing.
scrcpy -r linuxtechmore.mp4 (I chose this name "linuxtechmore" and you can choose the name you want).
5. Disable mirroring while recording: This is a great feature because it helps conserve battery consumption.
scrcpy -Nr linuxtechmore1.mp4
6. Multi-devices: Another important feature that allows you to choose which device you want to display and control using your computer. If several devices are listed in adb devices, you must specify the serial:
scrcpy -s serial
7. Fullscreen: It doesn’t need a comment, but if you are one of those who provide tutorials about Android, this feature will help you a lot.
scrcpy -f
8. Always on top: Aptly named, This feature simply makes the display window always stay above the windows of other applications.
scrcpy -T
9. Show touches: Another important feature for those interested in making presentations, As you can see when it’s activated touches appear when you touch the smartphone screen.
scrcpy -t
10. Install APK: A neat feature which allows you to install apk app on your device from your computer.
simply drag & drop an APK file to the scrcpy window.
P.S: There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console.
11. Push file to device: A cool feature that allows you to push a file to your device.
drag & drop a (non-APK) file to the scrcpy window
P.S 1: As the previous feature, there is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console.
P.S 2: The target directory can be changed on start: scrcpy --push-target /sdcard/linuxtechmore/
scrcpy -n
13. Turn screen off: Simply it Turn off the device screen.
scrcpy -S
14. Render expired frames: I do not recommend using this feature because it may affect performance; but if you want to try it or use it for some reason, run the following command line.
scrcpy –render-expired-frames
15. Custom window title: Give the display window a special title: in my case I give it the linuxtechmore title.
scrcpy --window-title 'linuxtechmore'
16. Finally; the shortcuts feature: Full list of shortcuts below:
¹Double-click on black borders to remove them.²Right-click turns the screen on if it was off, presses BACK otherwiseSource: scrcpy github
✒️ Allah willing; I will present to you in the next video: Top android opensource app.
📣 So what is your favorite feature ?